Analisis Stabilitas Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sampah Akibat Pengaruh Perubahan Sifat Mekanis Material Sampah

  • Anafi Minmahddun Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Muh. Handy Dwi Adityawan Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Ainul Fatayaatis Salaamah Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe
Keywords: Landfill, Waste Material, Stability, Safety Factor


The stability of landfill is a crucial aspect of waste management. Numerous factors influence the stability of landfill, one of which is the alteration of the mechanical properties of the waste material. This research aims to analyze landfill stability by considering the effects of changes in the mechanical properties of waste material. A construction stage analysis was conducted to model the process of altering the mechanical properties of waste material. The analysis was divided into 13 stages corresponding to the number of landfill steps. The initial five stages were modeled as waste with an age of < 5 years, stages 6-10 were modeled as waste with an age of 5-10 years, and the last three stages were modeled as waste with an age of > 10 years. Stability analysis using the finite element method was conducted using the concept of shear strength reduction. The analysis results indicated changes in the landfill's safety factor throughout its operational period. Stages 1-5 experienced changes in the safety factor, although these changes were not significant. Stages 6-10 witnessed a considerable decrease in the safety factor before experiencing an increase in stage 11, followed by a continuous decline until the end of stage 13. Despite changes in the safety factor during the operational process, the overall safety factor values obtained still met the minimum safety factor criteria required.


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How to Cite
Minmahddun, A., Adityawan, M. H., & Salaamah, A. (2024). Analisis Stabilitas Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sampah Akibat Pengaruh Perubahan Sifat Mekanis Material Sampah. Sultra Civil Engineering Journal, 5(1), 216-224.