Studi Pada Desa Onewila Kecamatan Ranomeeto Kabupaten Konawe Selatan
"Transformational Leadership of Village Heads (Study in Onewila Village, Ranomeeto District, South Konawe Regency)". Research purposes; To find out the Transformational Leadership of the Head of Onewila Village, Ranomeeto District, South Konawe Regency. Research methods; is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique is the interactive model. Research result; shows that; 1. Transformational leadership seen from the Attributed Charisma (Charismatic) dimension plays an important role and increases the work motivation of Village officials related to the quantity and quality of work and timeliness of work; 2. Transformational leadership seen from the Inspirational motivation dimension towards increasing the work motivation of Village work equipment, shows that Village officials continue to work and comply with every rule even though input is not received by the leadership; 3. Transformational leadership seen from the Intellectual stimulation dimension towards increasing work motivation of Village officials, shows that the abilities and ways of thinking of employees are the result of the leadership's ability; 4. Transformational leadership seen from the Individual consideration dimension towards increasing the work motivation of the Village apparatus, shows that there is support for the transformational leadership behavior of the Village head. Recommendation; 1. The direction and support given by the leadership to the Village apparatus can be further improved so that the increase in the work motivation of the Village apparatus becomes better; 2. There should be an increase in the direction and support provided by the leadership to the Village apparatus in order to increase their work motivation for the better.