Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
<p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="float: left;" src="/public/site/images/admin/Logo_SCiEJ.png">adalah jurnal ilmiah diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara, dengan frekuensi terbitan 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan April dan Oktober. <em>Sultra Civil Engineering Journal</em> (SCiEJ) menjadi sarana publikasi bagi para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan atau perorangan/kelompok lainnya (umum) di bidang ilmu Teknik Sipil, <em>Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (</em>SCiEJ) secara umum memiliki lingkup kajian di bidang : Mekanika & Rekayasa Struktur Gedung, Pelabuhan & Rekayasa Pantai, Rekayasa Jembatan, Rekayasa & Sumber Daya Air, Manajemen Konstruksi/Proyek, Jalan Raya & Sistem/Manajemen Transportasi, Geoteknik dan Pemetaan Wilayah.</p>Universitas Sulawesi Tenggaraen-USSultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)2716-1714Analisis Manajemen Konstruksi Pada Pembangunan Ruas Jalan Rate-Rate Dalam Kota
<p><em>Road infrastructure development is an important factor in supporting economic growth and community mobility in urban areas. However, road construction in urban areas is often faced with various challenges, such as limited space, population density and the dynamics of community activities. This requires effective and efficient construction management to ensure the smoothness and success of the project. The aim of this research is to find out how cost calculations are carried out using AHSP and also to find out how to carry out and time schedule construction work for inner city lane roads. The method for implementing the construction of lane roads in the city is in the form of asphalting roads with a length of 3.06 KM and a duration of 90 days. The budget plan for building a 3.6 KM inner-city toll road is IDR. 10,428,920,000.</em></p>Ridwan Syah NuhunTry Sugiyarto SoeparyantoGede Agus SutrayasaLaode DenyKadir RamadanGalih Adi Sulistyo
2024-10-242024-10-245228629210.54297/sciej.v5i2.609Efektivitas Metode Zero One Dalam Manajemen Resiko Pekerjaan Konstruksi Gedung Berlantai (Studi Kasus Gedung Kuliah Fakultas Kehutanan Dan Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari)
<p>This study aims to analyze the visibility of the Zero-One method in the construction of the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences Building, Halu Oleo Kendari University, Southeast Sulawesi. The results of the analysis showed that a weak control system was the main cause of delays and additional costs in this project. This variable has the highest weight, reaching an average of 90.38, in line with secondary data in the form of monthly reports from the project which show that there is a delay of 1-2 weeks of working days in the process of vertical formwork on floor plate work 2-3, this has a major impact on project time and cost. Corrective measures that can be suggested include optimization of staff performance through material training and risk management, as well as better strategies to address weak systems and avoid delays. The results of this analysis also highlight other risks such as errors in budget planning, material expenditure, and inefficient use of materials. This research was conducted by collecting data from 9 respondents involved in the project. In parallel with the secondary findings of the monthly report of the project, it was identified that there were delays in certain construction processes. Addressing efforts include increasing working hours and manpower to catch up with delays and minimize the addition of inefficient costs. The study provides valuable insights for improving risk management and efficiency in construction projects, focusing on cost and time control systems.</p>Try Sugiyarto SoeparyantoJalba NirahRidwan Syah NuhunLa Ode muhammad FadilDhalmaz PrasetyaDwi Bayu Putra PMuhammad Alfian Ali
2024-10-252024-10-255229329910.54297/sciej.v5i2.612Penggunaan Standar Metode Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Pada Proyek Pembangunan Gudang BPBD dan Rumah Jabatan Dandim
<p>In today's modern era, the construction of buildings stands as a crucial element in the development of infrastructure. Among the various methods utilized for managing such construction projects, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has emerged as an effective tool. WBS serves as a project management technique, breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable components, thereby facilitating efficient planning, execution, and monitoring throughout the project lifecycle.This research employs the Earned Value Method (EVM) approach, chosen for its adeptness in quantifying project cost and time performance. By integrating three key dimensions - scope, schedule, and budget - EVM offers a comprehensive framework for evaluating project performance.The findings of this study reveal subpar cost and time performance in the construction of the BPBD Warehouse and Military District Commander's office building. Conversely, the construction of the Veterans Building demonstrates stable performance in both cost and time aspects.The observed impact of implementing WBS standards, particularly in the construction of the Veterans Building, proves instrumental in enhancing project control. The detailed breakdown of work items and the clearer identification of required resources streamline the planning of Purchasing Orders (PO), thereby facilitating cost management efforts.</p>Try Sugiyarto SoeparyantoRidwan Syah NuhunIsmayana IsmayanaMeri AprianiHado Hado
2024-10-252024-10-255230030710.54297/sciej.v5i2.626Analisis Hubungan Volume, Kecepatan Dan Kepadatan Lalu Lintas Di Ruas Jalan Slamet Riyadi Kartasura
<p>Jalan Slamet Riyadi Kartasura adalah jalan dengan status jalan kolektor menggunakan sistem arus dua arah dua lajur yang menghubungkan masyarakat surakarta dan sekitarnya jika ingin menuju ke kartasura, klaten yogyakarta dan sekitanya. Volume, kecepatan dan kepadatan lalu lintas selain untuk perencanaan, juga di gunakan untuk evaluasi jalan, apakah di katakan macet atau tidak. Suatu jalan di katakan macet apabila arus lalu lintas yang melewati ruas jalan yang di tinjau melebihi kapasitas rencana jalan tersebut yang mengakibatkan kecepatan bebas ruas jalan tersebut mendekati 0 km/jam atau bahkan menjadi 0 km/jam sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya antrian. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer & sekunder dari hasil penelitian, kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan tiga metode, yaitu metode Greenshield, Greenberg dan Underwood . analisis hubungan lalu lintas di ruas Jalan Slamet Riyadi Kartasura berdasarkan ketiga model diperoleh hubungan yang paling erat antara kecepatan dan kepadatan menggunakan model Greenberg dengan model ???????? = 18.941ln ( 732.072 / D ). Volume tertinggi diperoleh dengan menggunakan model Greenberg yaitu sebesar 5101.19 smp/jam. Dengan nilai r2 = 0.874 memiliki arti bahwa kesesuaian model sebesar 87.4 % dengan tingkat kepercayaan atau meyakinkan dalam menggambarkan hubungan antara kecepatan dan kepadatan. Hubungan antara volume dan kecepatan merupakan fungsi logaritmik. Hubungan antara volume dan kepadatan juga merupakan fungsi logaritmik.</p>Hana ShofianaSumina SuminaSuryo Handoyo
2024-10-252024-10-255230832110.54297/sciej.v5i2.648Pemanfaatan Limbah Hidrogel Popok Bayi Sebagai Bahan Campuran Pembuatan Bata Ringan
<p><em>Baby diapers are made of plastic and a mixture of chemicals, a solution to use diaper waste by utilizing hydrogel and plastic contained in diapers. The plastic contained in diapers can be utilized as a lightweight construction material in the form of lightweight bricks to increase compressive strength. This study aims to determine the effect of a mixture of baby diaper waste on water absorption and compressive strength in making lightweight bricks. This research method is experimental, which is carried out at the Structure and Materials Laboratory of the Muhammadiyah University of Parepare. The results showed that each variation with dimensions of 5cm x 5cm with a curing age of 28 days, a variation of 0% with an average compressive strength of 4,000 MPa, a variation of 7% with an average compressive strength of 5,333 MPa, a variation of 12% with an average compressive strength of 9,333 MPa and a variation of 17% with an average compressive strength of 13,333 MPa. Meanwhile, the percentage of water absorption of lightweight bricks with a variation of 0% was 21.2%, a variation of 7% was 23.6%, a variation of 12% was 27.4% and a variation of 17% was 30.1%</em></p>Nuralfiliani NuralfilianiMustakim MustakimMuhammad Jabir
2024-10-252024-10-255232232910.54297/sciej.v5i2.655Analisis Pengaruh Pasir Pantai Wahede Kabupaten Barru Terhadap Kuat Tekan Dan Tarik Belah Beton
<p><em>Barru Regency is a coastal area with abundant potential for Wahede beach sand, which can be used to make economical concrete. This research aims to determine the compressive and tensile strength values of concrete as well as the optimal percentage of the beach sand mixture. The research was carried out at the Structure and Materials Laboratory of the Muhammadiyah University of Parepare, with a planned compressive strength of 20 MPa.The results of research on normal concrete compressive strength at 7 days were 12.27 MPa, 14 days 13.97 MPa, and 28 days 20.29 MPa. Variation: 25%; compressive strength: 7 days 13.58 MPa, 14 days 15.85 MPa, and 28 days 21.89 MPa. Variation 50%, compressive strength 7 days 14.34 MPa, 14 days 18.68 MPa, and 28 days 22.08 MPa. 100% variation, compressive strength: 7 days 14.72 MPa, 14 days 19.34 MPa, and 28 days 25.48 MPa. The split tensile strength of concrete decreases with an increasing percentage of beach sand: normal 28-day concrete 7,852 MPa, 25% variation 6,222 MPa, 50% variation 6,963 MPa, and 100% variation 8,000 MPa</em></p>Nurhatimah HasanMustakim MustakimImam Fadly
2024-10-252024-10-255233034010.54297/sciej.v5i2.657Studi Perilaku Pengendara Remaja Generasi Z Terhadap Keselamatan Berlalu Lintas di Kabupaten Enrekang.
<p>Tingginya minat remaja generasi Z dalam menggunakan transportasi roda dua tidak berimbang kesadaran akan keselamatan berlalu lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik remaja pengendara roda dua, tingkat pemahaman, pengaruh pelanggaran, kesalahan, dan penyimpangan terhadap keselamatan berlalu lintas. Survei dilakukan dengan membagikan kusioner kepada 200 orang responden, data yang diperoleh di analisis menggunakan program SPSS dengan model regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian responden sebanyak 200 remaja, karakteristik usia 15-20 tahun 56%, jenis kelamin laki-laki 59%, memiliki SIM C 69%, pegalaman berkendara 2-5 tahun 53%, durasi berkendara 1 jam 57%, riwayat kecelakaan 53%, jenis kecelakaan sedang persentase 37%, tidak pernah terkena tilang 54%. Pengetahuan kategori baik 61%. Hasil uji t secara parsial bahwa variabel independen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel dependen dengan signifikan masing-masing variabel independen (0.000 < 0.05). Hasil uji f secara simultan variabel independen berpengaruh signifikan tehadap variabel dependen nilai F<sub>hitung</sub> 18,296 > F<sub>tabel</sub> 2,651, nilai signifikan (0.000 < 0.05).</p>Hakzah HakzahMuh. AkbarAndi Bustan Didi
2024-10-252024-10-255234135210.54297/sciej.v5i2.658Pemanfaatan Limbah Beton Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Dengan Penambahan Zat Additive Beton Mix Terhadap Nilai Kuat Tekan Beton
<p>Utilization of concrete waste as an additional material for making concrete. And this research also adds chemical additives to the concrete mix using recycled coarse aggregate which is expected to increase the strength of the concrete. This research aims to determine the effect of adding concrete waste on the compressive strength of concrete due to variations in adding additives (Concrete Mix). and Knowing the comparison results of each substitute mixture of pure coarse aggregate with recycled coarse aggregate added with additives (Concrete Mix). This research method uses an experimental research method by comparing 4 (four) variations of the mixture to determine the compressive strength of concrete with a design compressive strength of 25 MPa. The results of the research show that each variation with a cylindrical specimen of 300mm x 150mm with a soaking age of 28 days, variations normal concrete with an average compressive strength of 25.38 MPa, a variation of 25% waste concrete with an average compressive strength of 21.89 MPa, a variation of waste concrete + 400ml mixed concrete with an average compressive strength of 25.48 MPa and a variation of waste concrete + mixed concrete 600ml with an average compressive strength of 28.31 MPa. So it can be concluded that the use of 25% concrete waste does not meet the planned compressive strength and cannot be used in construction, whereas by adding 400ml and 600ml mixed concrete additives, the maximum compressive strength is obtained and is suitable for use in construction.</p>Zulfitrah AnsarMustakim MustakimImam Fadly
2024-10-252024-10-255235336210.54297/sciej.v5i2.659Perbandingan Kinerja Marshall Pada Campuran Aspal AC-WC Menggunakan Plastik Polypropilene (PP) Dan Plastik High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
<p>According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesian people produce 0.8 kg of waste per person per day, of which 15% is plastic waste or equivalent to 189,444,000 tons of waste per day 8, Therefore, the amount of waste must be proportional to the proportion of waste processed and the rest must not be disposed of and pollute the environment. The types of plastics used in this study were Polypropylene (PP) Plastic and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Plastic. The purpose of this study was Determination of Melshell performance in AC- WC asphalt mixture without the addition of polypropylene (PP) plastic and high density polyethylene plastic (HDPE). The research method used was experimental with variations of 2%, 4%, and 6%, from the weight of KAO asphalt. Marshall comparison results AC-WC asphalt using polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) resins, with only VMA and MQ stable values meeting the 2018 Development Specifications while VFA, VIM and FLOW do not meet the specifications</p>Nurfadila TMustakim MustakimImam Fadly
2024-10-252024-10-255236337310.54297/sciej.v5i2.661Analisis Kinerja Lalu Lintas di Ruas Jalan Pemuda Kabupaten Kolaka
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine the magnitude of the traffic flow that passes along the Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency section and determine the performance of the road as well as analyzing the operational performance of traffic on the Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency section including: capacity, degree of saturation (DJ), speed and travel time, level of service and knowing the condition of side obstacles on the Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency section. The data collection method is a direct survey by recording traffic volume and side obstacles. </em><em>The research results obtained were the traffic volume at the observation point on the Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency section (direction Kolaka-Kolaka Utara) based on traffic volume values that the highest traffic activity occurred on Monday at 731 skr/hour at 16.00 – 17.00 and the lowest traffic activity occurred on Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency (North Kolaka-Kolaka direction), namely on Saturday at 316 skr/hour at 08.00 – 09.00. The peak degree of saturation on the Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency section (direction Kolaka-North Kolaka) is Monday at 07.00-08.00 with a degree of saturation of 0.50 and the Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency section (direction North Kolaka-Kolaka) is Monday 07.00-08.00 with a degree of saturation of 0.32. Side obstacles on the Pemuda Kolaka Regency road show the highest side resistance values occurring in the morning at 07.00 – 08.00 with a value of 629. For the side obstacle class on Jalan Pemuda Kolaka Regency for the total in both directions, namely T (high).</em></p>Irwan LakawaSyamsuddin SyamsuddinHarisman Harisman
2024-10-252024-10-255237438310.54297/sciej.v5i2.695Analisis Pengaruh Ukuran Maksimum Agregat Kasar Terhadap Kuat Tekan dan Porositas Pada Beton Normal
<p><em>Concrete is a very popular building material used in the world of construction services, consisting of a mixture of Portland cement (PC) or other hydraulic cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water, with or without the use of additional materials that form a solid mass. </em></p> <p><em>This test is a research study in the laboratory by examining the materials that make up concrete including aggregate sieve analysis testing, water content testing, mud content testing, unit weight testing, aggregate specific gravity testing, coarse aggregate wear testing, slump testing and compressive strength testing, porosity testing, which is carried out according to the SNI method.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the research carried out, it was found that the average compressive strength value of concrete for two different types of crushed stone material, for a gradation of 1-2 cm with moramo crushed stone material was 17.94 Mpa and pondidaha material was 18. 41 Mpa. And for a gradation of 2-3 cm, the average compressive strength for moramo crushed stone was 16.90 Mpa, while for pondidaha crushed stone it was 17.46 Mpa</em></p>Hujiyanto HujiyantoIrwan LakawaHakiman HakimanMarhcel Yupi Paembonan
2024-10-252024-10-255238439710.54297/sciej.v5i2.676Kinerja Waktu Pelaksanaan Proyek Pekerjaan Jalan Di Kabupaten Kolaka Utara (Studi Kasus Jalan Poros Lasusua Desa Totallang)
<p><em>The aim of the research is to find out or predict how much a project will cost during implementation and to find out the effectiveness of project control using the Earned Value Method. To overcome existing problems, an Earned Value method is used. There are two parameters or indicators used for analysis, namely BCWS, BCWP. Delay deviations can be identified by looking at the Schedule Variance (SV). This method can also be used to determine the efficiency of resource use in the form of the schedule performance index (SPI).</em><a name="_Toc162797624"></a><a name="_Toc162798329"></a><em> The project implementation time aspect has a negative value up to the 12 th week of (SV) -Rp. 44,776,771.84 or schedule performance index (SPI) = 0.82 < 1. The calculation results are obtained from an effectiveness value of 0.85 for controlling project time using the Method Earned Value. In other words, the results of an effectiveness value that is smaller than 1 (one) can be said to be that the Time Performance for the Implementation of the Concrete Pavement Road Work Project in North Kolaka Regency is less effective.</em><em> From the results of the time performance study using the Earned Value Method, it can be concluded that the Time Performance for the Implementation of the Concrete Pavement Road Work Project in North Kolaka Regency experienced a delay from the initial plan. It is clear that in weeks 1 to 12 the project performance was delayed from the planned schedule</em></p>Sufrianto SufriantoVickky Anggara IlhamAndi MakkawaruLa Ode Altakdir Ilahi